Baby Animals
baby animal names
- aardvark - cub
- African wild dog - puppy
- anteater - pup
- baboon - infant
- badger - kit, cub
- bat - pup
- beaver - pup, kit
- black bear - cub
- buffalo - calf
- camel - calf
- cheetah - cub
- chimpanzee - infant
- coyote - pup, puppy, whelp
- dog - puppy
- dolphin - calf
- elephant - calf
- elk - calf
- fox - kit, cub
- giraffe - calf
- gorilla - infant
- grizzly bear - cub
- groundhog - pup
- hippo - calf
- horse - foal
- hyena - cub
- jaguar - cub
- kangaroo - joey
- killer whale - calf
- koala bear - joey, cub
- lemur - infant
- leopard - cub
- lion - cub
- llama - cria
- manatee - calf
- meerkat - pup
- mongoose - kit
- monkey - infant
- moose - calf
- orangutan - infant
- otter - pup
- panda - cub
- pig - piglet, shoat
- polar bear - cub
- porcupine - porcupette
- rabbit - bunny,kitten,kit
- racoon - pup
- reindeer - fawn
- rhinoceros - calf
- seal - pup
- sealion - pup
- skunk - kit,pup
- sloth - baby
- tarsier - infant
- Tasmanian devil - joey
- tiger - cub
- walrus - pup, cub
- wolf - pup, cub, whelp
- wombat - joey
- zebra - foal

Yes, baby animals are
perfect little replicas of their mothers and fathers..But some of them start off just a little different.
They may
not have spots
right away, they may not be the exact same color, and sometimes their
hair is soft and puffy instead of sleek and shiny.
But goodness knows they try their best every day...

They chill with the crew ...

hitch rides on mom, or dad...

They try their best to keep
up with the herd ...

They are very respectful...

They never whine or complain
and they can really work the cute
Most baby animals are adorable miniatures of their parents, but some go through a bit of a transformation.
instance, baby cheetahs are born without spots, and develop them later,
while baby cougars are born with spots, and loose them as they grow.
And they all have different names that they are called until they reach maturity.
of these names are very familiar, like puppy and kitten, others are
peculiar like the feline sounding "kit" for a very canine baby fox, and
the unusual name of "cria" for a baby llama.
And all of the Great Apes - including us - have babies called infants.
Check out more baby animal names in the column at the bottom of the page.
Mostly, baby animals are just lots of fun to look at!
a baby camel is called a cria
a few more baby animal facts
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